My daughter's swollen pointer finger from the bite she endured from blue and gold macaw, Tiko.
The inevitable happened. My 11 month old daughter got bit by a parrot. Not just any parrot - and not even one of my own - a 20+ year old blue and gold macaw. For those of you familiar with Taming, Training & Tricks you know him. His name is Tiko. ...
Photo by Nathan Slabaugh Location: Athol, ID Behind the scenes: Galahs "Bondi" & "Bandit" being shot by photographer Terrence Blanton
Dave and I have done numerous photoshoots with our birds - every time we get a new contract, it's a new photoshoot for new promo materials and so forth. Comet, our camelot macaw, was the main attraction in ...
Photo by Dave Womach Location: White Sands, New Mexico Pictured flying: Camelot macaw "Tusa" and Galah "Bandit" (Email for our freeflight course)
There’s a lot of questions that come up when it comes to training more than one bird. There are times when it works for the better to train birds at once (more than one) and there ...
This behavior is something I notice with my macaws, not so much my medium to small sized parrots but definitely with my macaws. If I offer my hand to them straight up to their bodies sometimes they will get put off and angry and lunge if I don't read the body language well enough telling me they'd rather not come in the first place. I also no...
My favorite season is autumn, hands down... no competition. I love the fall season with all its beautiful colors, changing and falling leaves, and gorgeous skies. I love the warm days followed by...
We just recently started carving pumpkins WITH our birds. A couple years back I carved pumpkins randomly and tried to make my own bird designs and Cressi bit into my beautiful creation and began carving her own design.