Flight Training Big Birds

Photo by Dave Location: Orlando, FL Flying: Hyacinth "Hymie" It has been getting easier and easier to ask Hymie to fly and here's why: When he was younger, he used to fly around his owner's house with a green wing macaw in tow. So he has had experience flying before and enjoyed it enough to want to experience it again. I've been spending ...
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Parrot Tricks: Stick 'em Up!

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, FL Touch training: Hyacinth Macaw "Hymie" Hymie is such a quick learner! Dave taught him how to touch train in just a few minutes and it only took one training session! The next day following touch training him, Dave began teaching him to spin in a circle and got Hymie about half way there before Dave co...
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Hymie the Hyacinth Weighs in and Eats Papaya

After leaving Hymie's cage open for him, we found him on top of our toucan's cage perching peacefully and looking proud of himself. He had to fly to get out of his cage, and he has been a FLYING MACHINE lately! He is loving getting himself around via his wings. He's now flying to and from the foraging tree, to and from Dave and me, and to and fr...
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Training Toco Toucans

Photo by Dave Location: Musha Cay, Bahamas Shown: Toco Toucans   A toco toucan is one of my "dream birds" and I finally got to work with some! They were wild caught and sold as "hand fed tame babies" which they were clearly not. They turned out to be wild caught. My job was to tame them enough that they would actually enjoy human interaction fr...
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Parrots Don't Forget

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Musha Cay, Bahamas Meditation Parrot: Blue and Gold Macaw "Jersey"  Dave and I got Jersey when she was 6 months old. We purchased her over the internet and had her shipped to Dave's brother. He and his wife were the first ones to meet Jersey (and her brother Chayko) and had them for a few days before Dave and I a...
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Storm's 45 Days with Me are Over...

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Moab, Utah Freeflight: Blue Fronted Amazon "Storm"  Hopefully most of you remember me talking about the Amazon parrot, Storm, and how I was going to be fostering him for a total of 45 days. Well, that 45 days ended a little bit ago and I'm still here in Moab, Utah with his owners. The other blog where I talk abo...
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