Q: I have a 7 year old yellow naped amazon named Petey. I have had him since he was a baby and he means everything to me. I was just given a promotion at work and my new position is going to take up a some of the time I used to spend with Petey and I am afraid it will change our relationship. How much time is too little to be spending with him?
-Jack M., Laguna Beach, CA
A: There really aren’t any minmum requirements as to the amount of time our birds need from us every day. There are many factors that play into determining what amount of interaction is satisfactory for any particular bird. It depends largely on that bird as an individual.
Some less hands-on birds are independent players that are fine with more in-cage time. Some birds are more intensely focused on their owners and need to be out socializing whenever possible. Some birds are more secure than others in their environment, with their owners and themselves and are less likely consider the drop in personal interaction time to reflect a drop in their status in your home and heart.
It also depends on the birds play area and cage. Is there lots to do in the cage? And does your bird actually utiluze what you have provided him with for entertainment? How enriching is your birds life when you remove yourself from the equation? The big question is: does your bird still feel fulfilled and valued with having less of your time and attention?

Blue and gold macaw
Much more important than the AMOUNT of time that we spend with our birds is the QUALITY of the time spent together. There are different types of out of cage attention that we give our birds. There is out of cage time apart from the owner (on a perch playing independently), there is out of cage time with physical contact (perched on a shoulder while owner goes about chores or watches tv) and there is out of cage time that involves engaging the bird in activity (training, playing, interaction/conversation involving direct eye contact).
Only the last example is truly interactive and meaningful. Yes, your bird loves to be freed from its cage and enjoys simply being in your presence, but neither of these things have the same value as even short periods of time where your focus is solely on your bird and nothing or no one else.
As long as you make sure that Petey has enough of these significant experiences with you to keep your bond with him strong, there is no reason your relationship with him should deteriorate even with shorter durations of interaction. Think quality, not quantity.
Author Patty Jourgensen specializes in avian health, behavior and nutrition and has been working with and caring for rescue birds since 1987.
1 comment
I’m having a problem but it’s different. I have a 17 year old rescued female Blue and Gold. When I was working, we had more people visiting, Many people could pick her up and she was well socialized. Since I have become ill and am at home all the time, she has bonded to me alone and will not permit others including my wife to pick her up or even approach. She is also trying to build a nest in every location at every opportunity and become very protective of the current site chosen. I’ve tried to back off and force her to find attention elsewhere but that’s difficult for all three of us. I’d like some suggestions on this. Also, since my illness is terminal, I’m concerned that once I’m gone, she might have greater trouble adjusting to my absence if we become more dependent on each other now. Should I be concerned about her future well being or just assume that she’ll find her way after the fact? Thanks for any thoughts on this. Phil
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