Proper Caging For Parrots

Selecting and properly accessorizing your parrot’s cage is one of the most important things you will do for your new companion. The cage is your parrot’s home. It should be a place that offers both entertainment and a sense of security to your bird and should give you peace of mind knowing that your bird is safe when inside.

A good quality cage can be expensive but if you select wisely it will last for the entirety of your bird’s long life. Whether you choose a stainless or powder coated cage, or a wire cage for the smallest of the parrot species, two words to keep in mind are “size” and “safety”.

Since the average companion parrot spends the majority of their time in their cage, size really matters. Birds that are in cages too small have little opportunity to get the exercise they need to stay healthy. A small cage is quickly overwhelmed when you add toys and perches and your bird will have no room to move around.

The overall construction of the cage should feel sturdy and there should no joints or other areas where toes might get trapped when your bird is climbing around. It should be convenient for you to service and keep clean.

Bar spacing must be appropriate for your bird’s species. Heads get caught in bars spaced too widely (they fit through in one direction and the jaw hinges keep it trapped there) and the toes and wings of large birds can get and broken as the bird travels around a cage with bar spacing that is too small.

Appropriate bar spacing:

1/4″ – 1/2″ – finches, canaries

1/2″ – budgies, lovebirds, parrotlets

1/2″ – 5/8″ – cockatiels, ringnecks, doves, pigeons, small conures

5/8″ – 3/4″ – large conures, senegals, caiques, pionus, jardines

3/4″ – 1″ – amazons, african greys, mini macaws, goffins cockatoos

1″ – 1.5″ – large macaws, large cockatoos

The cage should include several perches that are varied in width, size and texture. You can learn about the different perches available and what sizes are right for your species by reading the following articles:

Finally, the cage should be set up in a way that encourages activity. We so often try to give our parrots a life of comfort and leisure out of kindness. However, a parrot’s body is designed for near constant activity level and placing everything within beak’s reach will negatively impact your bird's health down the line.

The perfect cage is a happy place with lots to do, a place that keeps your parrot’s body and mind active and offers the safety and security necessary for a parrot living in a human environment.

For more inspiration for your aviary and cage setup visit our website that was designed just for this purpose at

More resources:



Hi, we rescued a cockatoo not long ago. We were wondering where is the best place to keep her cage. We have a large open kitchen that includes our dining area that also is in eye sight to the living room. We put her cage by the dining table on the opposite end of the room from where the cooking is done. It’s a very open and well ventilated area. It does get a lot of traffic though. We try to quiet it down and darken the room at sleep time. However we don’t know if it is the ideal place for the parrots well-being . We were thinking perhaps a quieter room? If anyone has any suggestions that would be great, thanks!


I m really liking your newest set ups!!!! I’m also excited for the large cages that I saw, that can be used in the back yard. I’m looking forward to finding out more about it!

Paula Whiteley

Hi, I have baby conures. I have read they need a bed and aren’t perch sleepers? Is a wooded box with shavings the way to go? Right now they have an indoor cage with perches and a larger aviary outside we live Hawaii.

Paula Whiteley
Dawn Salisbury

First I just wanna say hi, and that I just trust in the love I see you have for birds . So I tend to only watch your videos on you tube. So here it is…I’m a new budgie owner was pass on to me do to passing. There are two. My house is cold and it’s not winter just yet and I figure if I’m cold they have to be so how do I keep them warm so there comfortable . I’m on a budget so what can I do for them . Please help ,don’t want budgcicals. Sincerely Dawn

Dawn Salisbury

I’m aalso having difficulty in finding a cage sized to Parakeet &/or Small Conure, Julia. It is either the right size with horrible spacing on the bars or not well made or terrible customer service. HELP!!!!


Trying to find a daytime flight cage for an Alexandrine Ringneck Parakeet, but it’s hard! It has to be at least 50″×50″ AND .5-.625" bar width but the larger cages are all designed with bigger birds in mind. I’m looking for the flight cage based on research. I haven’t gotten my bird yet, I want to set up everything ahead of time. The closest I can find right now is through Wayfairer but it’s $$$ and I want a space I can clean somewhat easily … sigh …


Not sure how I should ask but what general size cage with toys etc is recommended for a parakeet? My friend has 4 cramped in one and I really want to put them in a bigger and better one. Hopefully one that also doesn’t break my bank account.

Shala Loyd

Hi Jamieleigh! My Macaw fearlessly and continuously scratches his beak on any and everything. Especially his on the side of his medal water holders that are attached to his perch. Is this normal? Shala Loyd

Shala Loyd
Betty Mathews

my macaw is in an aviary outdoors…I am concerned about mosquitos…I read on the internet that you could spray birds with a product called Picaridin…true?

Betty Mathews
Silvia Diaz

How do you feel about a conure having an Omlet Geo bird cage?? I saw your review on it , you liked it so you think it would be suitable for a conure?

Silvia Diaz

Here’s what I suggest, Joice. In her video on her budgie, blueberry’s habitat, she screened in her porch for blueberry to fly around. However, your balcony does not have a roof. Maybe go and build a roof for him so hawks can’t spot him? Also, put the toys in the middle of the enclosure so he wants to stay in the middle, not the sides so he cant be grabbed. When it rains, or it’s too hot, I’d suggest bringing him inside. Also, the aviaries they have aren’t very big, sure you can’t like stuff it in your bedroom or kitchen or wherever? Maybe email them or ask for a consultation. They are expensive, so maybe consider getting a Christmas present or birthday present early. Hope that helps. Also send them a picture of the porch, or go to the bird tricks Facebook, but you could get misinformation there.

Ahmed Hajiko

I am going to get a macaw soon and I found a avairy. The size for stainless steel wire for each panel that I found is 1″ × 1″×. 120 the other one is 1″ × 1″ x.162 HD and also 1-1/2″ × 1-1/2 × .162 I didn’t find 1" -1.5" which sizes is better

Ahmed Hajiko
Joice Mou

Hey, I had a weird question, I don´t know if anyone can answer. But, I live in an apartment with my parents and a older brother. We own a yellow crowned amazon male 1 year old named Kiko. We are not able to fit a aviary in our apartment, I was thinking if I got my dads approval and the owner of the apartment thingy, If could make the balcony the aviary? If its made with only metal fences, what if it rains? He will get cold and maybe sick, what if other birds try to get him? I only see pigeons and sparrows and small birds and a couple seagulls. Another option is our garage, all the people that live in our apartment share a garage, each person has 1 car parking area, we don´t use ours anymore because my mom sold her old car and my dad got a bigger car that won´t fit in the garage. We could make an aviary in the garage, but im concerned because I´m worried about people going up to the cage and trying to touch the parrot bc he can bite, also about children´s safety. There is also one garage door that leads to the open, what if a random person comes in bc the garage was left open and tried to steal the bird or harm it? What about the car gas! Nvm I just thought about the gas and the sensitive lungs! NOPE not in the garage. I wish we had a bigger house to provide more space for our parrot. Do you think the balcony idea is good? Could I add windows to the balcony so its closed off? It needs to be approved by the apartment owner and safety thingy of our country.

Joice Mou
natalie kendrick

I have an 11 month old conour, named Mango Waulla! I love your vidoes and teaching. I am excited about learning more and giving my mango the best life possible. I lost my son 4 years ago. Mango Wakulla helps me so much!!!! Thank you for all this amazing education!!! Here is to a life long relationship through our birds!! Thank you .

natalie kendrick
Rodney Larios

I made a little cabinet with a perch sitting on top. Would you recommend painting it and if so is there a criteria on the paint to use?

Rodney Larios
Sheikh Shaheb

Hey, This Sheikh Shaheb.I am a big fan of BIRD TRICKS. Your every video is just awesome. Specially #cage Videos. I have also macaw cage site. If you want you can visit

Sheikh Shaheb

kindly do make a video on alaxandrine parakeet

Renea Wade

I am a new owner of a beautiful Blue and yellow macaw. She stole my heart the moment I laid eyes on her. I am new at this so I enjoy learning information by watching videos you post. Thank you for what you do. My goal is to keep my Pixie healthy and happy for a lifetime together.

Renea Wade
Steven Carrigan

Was wondering how caiques react to small dogs. Enjoying your video and helping me with research on this type of bird.

Steven Carrigan

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