Dog Behaviour vs Parrot Behaviour
I have been involved in my dogs’ training since I was old enough to walk. It has always been a fascination of mine – animal psychology and behaviour are my passions. Due to some really wonderful trainers, I was taught what to look for in canine body language. Parrots, of course, were the only ones to teach me about avian body language. There simply is no book or person that ...
Should Parrots Be Classroom Pets?

I feel that even small parrots – such as budgies and parrotlets – should be left out of the classroom.
Best and Worst Pets for Kids in the Classroom
Reminiscing on the classroom pets of my past, I’ve come to realise that perhaps some were not suited to the hectic learning environments of a school. As an adult, I’m able to think about what creatures I can to expose kids to without stressing out the animal. One of my biggest goals in opening a parrot sanctuary ...