Help Save Angus

Most nights, after I have put the birds to bed, I will turn out all of the lights and go upstairs to the office to work on the computer. Sometimes, though, I will sit on the top stair in the dark and listen to my birds contentedly grinding their beaks as they fall asleep. I think about how lucky I am to have them and how much richer my life is with them in it. I also think about how lucky they are to have found their way ...

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Pesticides And Fresh Produce

I make it a point to read the comments following each blog I post. I try to answer as many questions as I can, make suggestions and offer support or encouragement where needed. The other day I came across this very important comment.  I want to thank Barbara DelGiudice for cross-posting this...

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Molting Season – Adding Insult To Injury

In case breeding season isn’t enough to make you crazy, we can now also embrace molting season. Half of me loves the molting season. I am always fascinated by new feather growth – out with the raggedy and in with the shiny and new. The other half, perhaps the bigger half, hates it for the extra work it creates.

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When Is The Right Time To…

…bathe your bird?
…get your bird to eat healthy foods?
…put your bird to bed for the night?

These are some questions that have come up recently, so I thought I would answer them in a single post.



During the winter months, I prefer to bathe my birds in the late morning or early afternoon since this is the warmest time of the day.  Once the weather has warmed up, I bathe my birds any time from early morning to late afternoon. I avoid bathing them in the evening time ...

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Water Bowls vs Water Bottles

I came home from work the other day to find the most vile looking slop in the water bowl of Linus, my umbrella cockatoo.  As I investigated the bowl’s contents, I found several water logged pellets, bits of broccoli, toy parts and slivers of wood. I gave him some clean water immediately, and he drank several big gulps right away.
This is one thing I have never been able to understand about Linus and so many other parrots I have known. Why would a parrot fowl his ...

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