This article came to my attention a few days ago and thought it should be shared. This kind of abuse is not anything new, but I still can’t find the words to describe the outrage it makes me...
Q: "I have a seven year old male cockatiel, Cubby, that I have always had a close bond with. We were best friends until six months ago when I got another cockatiel (male) to keep him company. Now he wants...
I was recently watching a talk show about second hand smoke. One of the audience members recited a list of ailments she suffers as a result of cigarette smoke. She, herself, has never smoked but...
Theo, my goffins cockatoo, is a quiet bird, as cockatoos go. This week has been rainy and quite warm for this time of year, and has brought on some fits of screaming which is typical of her during...
This should be titled: “How to buy the best veggies when you live in an area where the produce leaves a lot to be desired.” Welcome to Orlando! What a disappointment it has been to find this city so short on choices and quality. The Whole Foods here just isn’t getting the job done for me. The limited selection is often...