The Spring Crazies

It’s not even technically spring yet and my birds’ hormones are RAGING!  The last time we reached these heights of insanity was about 4 years ago and it was a season for the record books. The first signs this year...

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Vocalizing Is Not Screaming

I grew up in the era where children were supposed to be “seen and not heard”. Fortunately, my parents did not subscribe to this philosophy. There were six kids in my family, however, and sometimes playtime would escalate to nearly intolerable...

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The Incredible Cockatoo

The cockatoo is one of the most challenging of the many parrot species. They are an enigma. They are a white, fluffy ball of contradiction. They are emotionally complex, highly intelligent and devilishly manipulative. They keep you guessing on a daily basis as they strive to out-maneuver you. The relationship between an owner and his cockatoo is like a crazy dance choreographed by Mother Nature. Oh, how I love these birds!


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