The Importance of an Annual Well Bird Exam

Q: I have two yellow naped amazons that are the picture of good health. Do I really need to take them to the vet once a year?
– Byron L., Jacksonville, FL

A: Many of us who have had parrots for a while know what signs to look for when they are ill. We feed them an optimum diet, watch and regulate their weights and observe their droppings on a daily basis. These are great practices to follow, but they do not tell us everything. ...

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Sharing Thanksgiving Dinner With The Birds

Photo of Cody, umbrella cockatoo, by sandi

I don’t know the exact hatch dates of any of my birds, so we celebrate their birthdays collectively each year on Thanksgiving day. Since I also don’t know the hatch dates for Jamie and Dave’s budgies, Nikko and Visa, who are in my care, they will celebrate with us tomorrow.
I  chose Thanksgiving day as their pseudo-hatch dates for two reasons: 1) because I am so very grateful (usually) for their presence in my life, and 2) because there is always yummy treats to ...

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The Funny Things Our Parrots Say!

Umbrella cockatoos

My birds don’t talk a lot, with the exception of Libby, my quaker, who won’t shut up. The problem is, she only has one thing to say, and says it over and over until I finally have to leave the room having run out of ways to respond to “How ya doin’?”.  Still, every once in a while, one of them will come with a doozie.

I used to come home from work everyday to a familiar: “Hi. How doin’?” from Linus, my umbrella cockatoo. Now it has ...

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The Power of Parrots

Congo african grey and rose breated cockatoo

I spent the better part of this evening going through the archives on a parrot forum that I visit regularly. Mainly, I was re-reading some of  the threads I had started looking to other cockatoo owners with whom I could compare notes.  I found myself getting teary eyed.  I feel very fortunate to have made so many friends over the years who thoughtlessly give of themselves when someone has a question or a problem. They are always there for me.

When I was done, I ...

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Dangerous Air Borne Contaminates

Harlequin macaw

Our parrot’s respiratory systems are entirely unlike our own or that of other mammals. It is unique in design and far more efficient. Because of this fact, their sensitivity to pollutants in the air is heightened and can cause them suffering and death long before we would ourselves be affected.
We have all heard the stories about the canaries used in coal mines back in the day. Miners would place a cage of canaries in the mines. This was to determine if there were emissions of natural gases, which ...

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