When Other People Don’t Like Your Bird

Blue throated macaw

An hour before the show starts, we do something called the all-access preshow at the circus, it’s where people come into the ring and meet the cast of the show as well as the animals up close and personally. They can take pictures with the people or animals, try on circus costumes, enter to win an elephant foot print on a t-shirt and much, much more.

This is the part in the show where we rotate using three of our parrots so they can get lots of interaction with ...

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Why You Should Have a Necropsy Done When Your Parrot Dies

Rose Breasted Cockatoos

To me, the loss of a pet is like the loss of a family member.  It takes a long time to fill the void they leave behind.  I lost my aged cat just shortly before I moved here to Orlando.  He was a snuggly little thing and my constant companion.  My ex-husband used to tell me that I preferred cuddling with my cat at night to him.  He was correct.  My cat never hogged the covers or elbowed me in the face by accident in the middle of ...

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Aviary Placement

Hyacinth Macaw

Ok, you have finally picked out the perfect type of outdoor aviary for your parrot to spend his days basking in the sun and taking in all the outdoor sights and sounds….let me just say Congratulations on making one of the most important decisions you can make for your pet parrot!!!!

I’m sure you have some toys and some really exciting ideas for decorating your birds new “outdoor” world. You are now completely excited and just can’t wait for the day it arrives and you can put it together and get ...

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How to Protect Your Birds From Theft and What to do if it Happens

Camelot Macaw

This was post was prompted by an attempted break in at Chet’s house recently.  Fortunately, the alarm at his house, among other things, thwarted the attempt.  I’d love to blame these things on the economy and desperate people, but sadly, the fact is that it has always been a problem, regardless of the times.  We have birds, many of them expensive, and people who are aware of this fact might try to steal and resell them on the streets for a fast buck.  I compiled a list of tips ...

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Fresh vs. Frozen vs. Canned Veggies and Fruits

Q:  With the economic times being as they are, we can’t afford organic veggies.  Is it okay to serve our birds regular produce?

A:  Times are tough.  We are all tightening our belts and following our budgets to the letter.  When it comes to our bird’s diets, it’s important that we do the very best we can, everyday.  The most important thing is that we keep the veggies coming, in whatever form is the most affordable and practical for our budget.

Organic veggies and fruits do have a lot to offer: ...

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Cressi the African Grey Parrot Joins Illuscination!

Congo African Grey Parrot

Ever since touring on the road Dave and I have worked hard to get more and more of our birds into the show that didn’t start out in it when we opened. The mental stimulation, constant interaction and quality time they get out of being in the show is unbeatable and we want them all to experience it. We also want to be able to give our birds days off, even when we don’t have the day off from the show ourselves.

Our social butterfly, er, I mean, ...

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