3 Examples of the Unexpected Parrot Bite and What You Can do to Avoid it

Blue and Gold Macaws

We have all fallen victim to the unforeseen parrot bite at one time or another.  Usually, our feelings are hurt worse than our flesh.  The only thing you can think to say at the time is: “What the…?!”  Here are some common scenarios that are typical of the “unexpected” or “unprovoked” bite:

1) You’re enjoying some quiet out of cage time with the eclectus and a good book.  You are stretched out on the couch and your sweet little bird is preening at your shoulder.  Out of ...

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Socializing Parrots in a Big Way

Blue throated macaw

The picture above is of me with my blue throated macaw, Jinx, in Illuscination’s All Access Pre-Show. The pre-show is one hour before the main show and lets people get up close and personal with not only the circus performers but also the circus animals, and this includes our parrots!

Because of this crazy chaotic environment we’re in with our birds in this pre-show, our birds have to be social to everyone! Sure makes the problem with your friend or spouse seem small now, huh? Try socializing your bird ...

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Does Your Parrot Love You?

Blue and Gold Macaw

Parrots are very self-serving creatures.  Mostly, they are in it for themselves.  We’d like to think they are appreciative for the new toys, the clean cage and the fabulous food, but they aren’t any more than a young child would be.  While they might enjoy and take advantage of all of these creature comforts, the fact is that they don’t really care how these things got there, just that they are there.  It is unrealistic for us to expect them to be grateful for what they’ve got.  ...

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How to Spot & Avoid Online Parrot Selling Scams

Avoid getting scammed by people selling parrots on the internet, one lady’s story and how you can learn from it.

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Jamieleigh and I have a lot of parrots. The picture below, is me. I’m blonde, about 5’4″ and work and train parrots for a living.

Now that you know what I look like, I can tell you more about how to save yourself upwards of $300 and a ton of heartbreak by not buying birds from people who are scamming you out of your money – and using my ...

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Training Parrots For Show Environments

Camelot Macaws

We’ve had a lot of fun training our parrots for the Ringling Circus shows. Out of the 9 birds we brought along with us on the road, we have 5 currently in the show as of dress rehearsals on December 20th. Our goal is to be able to have all the birds do the show, so that they get plenty of days off! This way we can rotate who does which show.

The first birds we implemented into the show were our camelot macaws. We chose them for the opening ...

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