Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus Present “Illuscination”

Blue throated macaw, Harlequin macaw

When Jamie first told me that she and Dave were signing a two year contract with the circus, I have to admit I had some serious misgivings.  The first thing that came to mind was the duration of the contract.  Two years is a long time on the road with an itinerary, and a very long time to be away from the comforts of home.  I worked in the music business for a long time and know how grueling every aspect of a road tour can ...

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Tips And Materials For DIY Bird Projects

Blue and gold macaw, Military macaw

So many people I know are learning how to build things for their birds – from foraging trees to play gyms to outdoor aviaries.  Maybe it’s the economy, or maybe we’re just tired of paying extreme prices for the things we know are necessities for our birds, and can build ourselves.  I thought it would a great time to do a post about safe building materials and construction.  Here are some general guidelines to use:

Always use parrot safe woods and lumber. Remember the ...

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The 5 Biggest Parrot Training Myths

Blue throated macaw

Parrot Training Myth #1: It takes a long time to train a parrot.

Almost every parrot I’ve personally worked with that belong to our clients and customers, have been able to show improvement, progress and success immediately within beginning training.

Most parrots show positive results from training within their very first training session!

And most basic behaviors can be taught within a couple days to a bird. I’ve been able to teach the “wave” to a bird in less than two minutes! Success happens fast with parrots and they love ...

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Is Tea Safe For Parrots?

Quaker Parrot

This question came up on the birdtricks.com facebook the other day.  In order to answer this question, I think it is important for you to know what tea is and how it is sometimes used.  This way you can make an informed choice for your birds.

What is tea?

Simple enough! Tea is a beverage made by brewing the leaves, buds and twigs of  the tea plant (camelia sinensis) in hot water.  After allowing the tea to steep for a few minutes, the plant is strained out.  The longer you ...

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