When Wild Birds Move Into Non-Traditional Habitat


Two of my birds bathing under a sprinkler. (For those who are concerned about water conservation: I use tank water.)


One of my flock’s favourite ways to bathe is outside under a sprinkler. I set the sprinkler up on top of their aviaries and let the water fall down on them just like rain would. Everyone except for my macaw happily screams and shouts and plays under it. My eclectus gets as close to the sprinkler as possible as he prefers to ...


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Why Do They Make It SO Hard To Adopt A Rescue Bird??


Photo by Anna Sloan - Macaw and Cockatoo Rescue of New Mexico

Photo by Anna Sloan – Macaw and Cockatoo Rescue of New Mexico

Recently there has been some discussion on our Facebook page about parrot rescue and there were several commenters complaining about the vetting process that potential guardians must undergo before they are considered suitable to adopt. Others complained about the fees involved.

I understood their points of view. Why is there a charge for birds that the ...

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The Unnatural Life Is Natural For A Captive Parrot


Taking your parrot for a walk is great for him and you.


Let me put it right out there: Owning parrots isn’t natural. What else are we supposed to do with parrots who could never survive in the wild, other than place them in loving homes that strive to meet their unique needs? That’s the best place for these amazing animals.

We owners put a lot of time into caring for our babies, and sometimes this involves making choices that would be unnatural for a ...

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So You Want To Start A Parrot Rescue?

“Honky”, a new arrival at the Macaw and Cockatoo Rescue Of New Mexico .

We are a bunch of big ol’ softies, aren’t we? Not everyone can be reduced to tears by a touching meme that describes a bird in bad circumstances. Not everyone cares as deeply as we do.

For the human that loves parrots, understands their health and diet needs and ...


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Should Parrots Be Classroom Pets?



I feel that even small parrots – such as budgies and parrotlets – should be left out of the classroom.

Best and Worst Pets for Kids in the Classroom

Reminiscing on the classroom pets of my past, I’ve come to realise that perhaps some were not suited to the hectic learning environments of a school. As an adult, I’m able to think about what creatures I can to expose kids to without stressing out the animal. One of my biggest goals in opening a parrot sanctuary ...

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Psittacosis Explained


This budgie is suffering from psittacosis and an incorrect wing clip. Note the poor posture, the discharge around his cere and that he is sitting fluffed. He also has a tail bob.


Recently there has been a spike in concern about Psittacosis as news has spread that Petsmart in the US have removed birds for sale from 500 stores after 16 birds (so far) have tested positive to the disease. For many, it’s the first time they’ve even heard of the disease and understandably ...


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