When Is it Time?


We don’t ever forget the animals we’ve lost


This is a very difficult and delicate post to write, and one that brings a lump to my throat just considering: The question of when a pet’s time has come, and whether to consider euthanasia, is easily the most difficult part of animal ownership. Ending needless suffering is a responsible thing to do. It’s difficult because no one wants to do it too soon – or ever.

I have had many pets in my lifetime. For most, ...

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Meet Parrot Rescue Assistant, Monique!

Monique and senegal Zaza

Monique and senegal Zaza

My journey started off rather dodgy to be honest, I have always loved animals. Big or small, cute and “ugly”, I just couldn’t get enough of them. However, I never had a particular interest in birds, they just never stood out to me. Sure they were beautiful, but they never seemed all that special.

So how did I end up here? Well, even though I knew nothing about them, I decided to get ...

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The Hardest Thing About “Owning” Birds…


The newest member of my flock – Charlie (Galah/Rosebreasted Cockatoo)

As I type this, the newest member of my flock, Charlie the galah is with his avian vet and I’m not sure that he’s coming home. I’m sitting next to my mobile phone waiting for news. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve checked to see if my phone is working. I know I charged it but maybe it has gone flat super fast? Nope. It’s working. It’s also too soon for the ...

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What Reinforces A Parrot’s Behavior?

Umbrella cockatoo

To reinforce a parrot’s behavior means to respond to something they do in a way that makes it beneficial enough for your parrot that it will be repeated. We do want to reinforce behaviors that we are training and we do so by offering treats for a job well done. But it is very easy to inadvertently reinforce behaviors that we don’t want such as biting or screaming. We have all been guilty of this at some time during our journey with our parrots.

You will often hear “ignore screaming ...


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Dog Behaviour vs Parrot Behaviour

Chickadee at the feeder

Wild birds like this chickadee can teach us a lot.


I have been involved in my dogs’ training since I was old enough to walk. It has always been a fascination of mine –  animal psychology and behaviour are my passions. Due to some really wonderful trainers, I was taught what to look for in canine body language. Parrots, of course, were the only ones to teach me about avian body language. There simply is no book or person that ...

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2 Things That Should Be In Every Parrot’s Home

Vet wrap comes in different widths and colors

There are items that we have mentioned over the years that you must not be without as a bird owner. Among them are the gram scale, the first aid kit and enough carriers to move all of your birds in an emergency.

Here are a 2 other things that you should not be without:

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