Training Tips Taken Taken From Wild Birds


Adult raven flying in to his nest (hidden in the thicker foliage) in order to feed his chicks.


There are few things that I enjoy more than watching wild birds go about their everyday business. Lately, I have been lucky enough to have a pair of ravens nest within metres of my bedroom window. Ok, sometimes we’ve had our disagreements (any wild bird can attack). Generally though, I’ve been very happy to have them around and have made a point of scaring local ...


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Hate The Way Sell Their Products?

We get a lot of feedback about’s sales pitch. Much of it is less than complimentary – it seems that many people hate the way sell their products. I feel strongly that this topic deserves its very own blog post.

I recall getting a comment on a post I wrote some time ago in which I relayed information on a specific health issue that is usually brought on by poor diet. I used the opportunity to push our cookbook at the end of the very informative post.

The commenter politely thanked me ...


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“All Natural” Does Not Mean “SAFE”!


Eclectus parrot female

You have to be very selective when buying products with a bird in the house.

The marketing world is a confusing place…it is also a manipulative place. Products are brought to our attention by people who want us to buy them. ...

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Preparing Your Parrot for A Necropsy

Camelot macaws

This is a horrible topic and I hate to even put these thoughts and images into your head, but it is important and I ask that you bear with me and read this short post.

When a bird dies unexpectedly, if the unthinkable happens and you should find your bird dead or if there was an illness that claimed you bird’s life that had yet to be diagnosed, it is wise to have a necropsy done.

A necropsy is the term used for autopsy when performed on an animal. The procedure ...


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Making The Bathroom Shower a Safer Place for Birds

Galah AKA rosebreasted cockatoo

This blog topic comes at the suggestion of one of our readers, who, while trying to determine the origins of her birds mystery illnesses, took note of some alarming information she happened upon that might concern many of us. Thanks Michelle!

Many of us put our birds directly into the shower for bathing. It’s a very convenient arrangement – the shower is an enclosed, tiled area that limits a bird’s freedom in the bathroom and it expels water to clean up the inevitable messes. Sometimes the bird itself ...


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Managing A Multiple Bird Household


Galahs/Rosebreasted Cockatoos Merlin and Nemo, frantically eating bits of food on the birdroom floor while I try to sweep…


I caved to MBS (multiple bird syndrome) a long time ago. When bird people find out how many parrots I have, they promptly ask how I find the time to manage so many? I have 9 permanent flock members here and 1 long term rehabilitation case. That makes 10 tame companion parrots vying for my attention daily and they’re not the only animals here.

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