How To Use Natural Tree Branches In Your Bird’s Cage

SAFE – Carnaby cockatoo in eucalyptus tree from

Before I moved here to Orlando, I lived in an apartment in Austin, TX that was landscaped with beautiful crepe myrtle trees. They were small to medium trees with branches that were typically just the right size for the feet of an umbrella cockatoo.

They don’t require much maintenance except for occasional pruning during which time I would shamelessly follow the landscapers from tree to tree picking my favorite branches to take home. Not that I am admitting to anything, but I might ...


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Parrot Safe Room and Air Fresheners

Last week, Mel wrote a great post which clearly pointed out the dangers of commercial air fresheners and chemicals in a bird’s environment. A cockatiel belonging to a nursing home resident struggled to breathe while being subjected to the fumes from a plug in air freshener and Mel had to come to the rescue. You can read the full story here – unfortunately, it isn’t an uncommon one.

The warnings about air fresheners have been circulating for some time and as usual, some people take them seriously and others ...

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Tips For Birdsitting


Recent visitors to my house – separated from my flock by a glass wall.

Well it hasn’t been quiet at my house lately because we’ve had some visitors staying with us while their human left the country. Three extra birds don’t sound like much in theory but noise wise – it adds up.

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Cooked Vegetables Are Better Than NO Vegetables


Camelot macaws

I recently wrote a blog post that discussed how important it is to try mimic nature in the environment we provide for our birds. Being undomesticated animals so new to captivity that some of their their grandparents may have lived their lives in the wild, they will certainly appreciate that level of attention to detail.

But recently, I had a conversation with someone specifically about looking to nature for guidance in the parrot diet. It brought to light how very confusing this message might be – in fact, we actually ...


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Thinking Like A Bird

Sun conure

I’m fairly certain that nature never meant for humans and birds to come together. I don’t think we could be less alike. There are the obvious physical differences which cause us to have to perform certain tasks in different ways, but there really big differences aren’t the physical ones.

We think nothing alike. Their concerns and goals are entirely different than ours. They communicate through body language, we use speech. With their body language they are precise and to the point. We ramble on endlessly, sometimes not stopping in time ...


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