Keeping Parrots Safe In The Hot Weather

In the northern hemisphere, we are heading into summer at full speed. The temperatures are already climbing and air conditioning is running round the clock.

Many people think of parrots as “warm weather animals” and surmise that they are most at home in high temperatures and humidity. Given that many parrots come from tropical climates, it is not an unreasonable assumption. However, summer is actually a season bird owners need to prepare for.

What most people don’t realize is that the hot temperatures of summer are far more ...

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How To Give CPR To A Bird


Blue fronted amazon

This is one of those posts that I hope you never have a need for, but I encourage you to read it thoroughly so you know what to do in the event of an incident that requires this particular skill. When your bird has stopped breathing, you will not have the time it will take to locate and read this, or any other, set of instructions.

People are always surprised to learn that CPR (CardioPulmonary Resuscitation) can be done on animals. When you think about it, it shouldn’t come ...


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Spices and Herbs That Can Benefit Parrots

Chamomile tea photo from

I love to put things into my birds’ food that adds a special oomph to a meal that might be just a little too familiar – variety being the spice of life and all. It is a real plus when it brings something else to the table like extra nutrition or acts as a natural remedy to common problems or symptoms.

Here is a list of common herbs and spices that can safely be used as needed medicinally with parrots:

Ginger is often used as a preventative for ...

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Are Big Beaks Or Little Beaks More Dangerous?


My three lorikeets love meeting new people and appear friendly but they're fast moving and capable of biting if provoked.

My house hasn’t been the calmest, quietest place lately. I’ve been catching up on a lot of jobs that have needed to be done, many of which are outside of my abilities and have required the assistance of some handy workmen. This has meant my birds have seen more strangers than usual. It’s always interesting to see what happens when a stranger is around.

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Is The Honeymoon Over For Me And My Parrot?

Photo of green cheeked conure by Anna Sloan

Q: I rehomed a green cheeked conure (Byron) last week. The first few days were great! He was so sweet and really seemed to like me. A couple days ago he started threatening to bite me when I tried to get him out of the cage. What happened?

Jill B., Independence, MO

A: When a new bird comes into our homes, there is usually one of two ways they react to the event: either they are stand-offish and guarded, or they are compliant and eager ...


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Patience – A Virtue Or An Obstacle?

Blue throated and camelot macaws

When you have parrots, the word “patience” is always on the tip of your tongue. Their odd and unpredictable behaviors would send you straight to the madhouse without patience. Those moments of seasonal insanity would certainly push you over the edge without patience. On certain days, even normal events like the sun-up and sundown calls might not be endurable without patience. Patience has its place.

The definition of patience is this: The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. It ...


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