Studying Animal and Veterinary Science At University

lab class

Working really hard in a genetics lab class.


There are a few different pathways to becoming a vet in Australia. Traditionally it has been a 5-year undergraduate university bachelor degree, which would allow you to apply for registration as a vet. This requirement has changed. You now have to complete an appropriate undergraduate science degree and a postgraduate Doctorate of Veterinary Science (7-8 years full time). Certain subjects must be covered in the undergraduate degree in order to meet DVM pre-requisites. The ...


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The Domestication Of Parrots

Congo african grey

Dogs have been living among humans for a very long time – this fact is documented throughout much of our recorded history. During this time, we have bred favorable traits into them and slowly excised the unsociable ones to make them more suited to life as a pet.

We have engineered breeds that are suited to perform certain tasks such as herding (collie), hunting (spaniel) or search and rescue (German shepherd.) that give dogs a place of their own in human society. Throughout the process, dogs have been modified ...


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A Bird Tricks Success Story: Meet Oliver the Eclectus!

Sometimes when faced with behavioral issues with our birds, we immediately quantify them as BIG problems, potentially unfixable problems. But what we fail to realize when we’re “in the trenches” is that often times, our biggest problems can be solved much quicker than we’d even imagine once we apply some new training techniques. In Lauren’s case, she was able to solve her “big step-up problem” in as little as 2 days!




Lauren Moore and her husband are ...


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My Bird Is Going Blind

Q: My 35 year old amazon is starting to go blind from old age. What can I do to make him feel comfortable?

-G. Pizaro, Chicago. IL

 A: One thing that I have noticed about parrots with disabilities is that they are seldom really troubled by them. It is in a parrot’s nature to work with “problems” rather than against them – something that is more the habit of a human being.

Where a human is likely to spend at least a short time lamenting over questions like “why me” and fretting about what the future ...


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My Bird Is Different Now – Should I Be Worried?


Q: I have a 14 year old cockatiel who has been my close friend for a long time now. Over the years she has changed a lot. She used to be very friendly with everyone, and now she won’t go to some people. She used to love rides in the car, but seems afraid to go outside at all now. She used to love sweet potatoes but won’t touch them anymore. Have I missed a health problem?

-Bethann, L., Harper’s Ferry, WV

A: Two things you hear us say often at Birdtricks ...


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Have You Noticed Your Bird’s Increased Appetite Lately?

Umbrella cockatoo. Linus

I know I am not the only person that has suffered through another crazy spring breeding season this year. I hate to use expressions like misery loves company, but I have to admit that while Linus was threatening to use my body parts as nest lining, I was glad to have those around who truly understood my frustration. This year has been hard on everyone it seems.

Thankfully, it appears to be drawing to an end for most of my birds. While their behavior is only somewhat improved, I ...

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