The Benefits of Sunshine For Parrots

I have done a post or two on this topic in the past but think it’s important enough to re-visit it from time to time. Please take the time to read this to learn, or give yourself a reminder, about the many benefits of sunshine for parrots.

Companion parrots have a very different lifestyle from those of their wild cousins. As much as we try to provide them with a great diet and an active environment, there are few alternatives available for captive parrots that offer the same health benefits ...

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Bee Pollen In The Parrot Diet

There is a lot of talk about bee pollen and its benefits in the parrot diet. I am one that believes we have to maximize every meal, especially if we have a picky eater on our hands. Bee pollen is as complete and natural a food supplement as there is…

What is bee pollen?

Flowers (and other plants) produce a powdery substance called pollen made of microscopic particles, which is a male seed necessary to fertilization. Bees travel from flower to flower collecting pollen particles and formulating and carrying to the hive the granules that we ...

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What The Habits Of Wild Birds Can Teach Us


Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo. The youngest/newest member of my local wild flock.


There is a golden rule for Wildlife Rescuers in Australia. When you rescue an animal and rehabilitate it for release, it must be released back to the location where it was originally found. It’s actually illegal to release it anywhere else without a written exemption from the appropriate governing body. If you can’t release back to the original site and can’t get permission for an exemption then the animal is usually euthanized. It ...


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Bubba And The Sweet Pea Raises Funds For PBFD

Bubba and the Sweet Pea by Gladys Boutros

PBFD is a highly-contagious and usually fatal avian disease that causes beak and feather aberration. While it can affect all parrots species, the cockatoo seems to be targeted often, although this may not be an indicator of predisposition so much as location.

PBFD, as well as other devastating avian diseases, are very prolific in Australian wildlife. Since the pet industry in Australia is known to buy wild caught birds for resale, it brings wild bird diseases into the stores, which are then dispersed to ...


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My Bird Hates Me When I Go Away!

Dear Birdtricks,

I got Lizzy (5 year old sun conure) when she was just a baby. We were inseparable for the first 4 years, but last year I got a new job that has me traveling several times a year. While I’m away, my husband and son take care of Lizzy for me. When I get back she treats me like a stranger – she won’t step up and sometimes bites me– I feel like she hates me! It takes weeks for me to win her back to being MY bird again. We go through this every time I go away. ...



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Looking At Average Bird Weights And Body Condition Of Birds

Dori and Lori

My Rainbow Lorikeets. Dori is on the left, Lori is on the right. Almost identical they can be hard to tell apart if you don't know them.


The textbook average weight for a Rainbow Lorikeet is approximately 130 grams and they don’t tend to fluctuate much more than 5 grams away from their personal average weight unless there is something wrong. So if I were to tell you that my Rainbow Lorikeet “Lori” weighs 120 grams, would you ...


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