Helping A Bird That Won’t Interact With Anyone Or Anything

Morgy checking cracks

Morgy foraging on her zombie playstand.


In my last post, I mentioned that my Galah/Rosebreasted Cockatoo had suffered from something I called “learned helplessness”. I said how happy I was that she had taken possession of my new parrot stand because that’s a big deal when you have a bird like Morgy. A few people pounced on that and sent me questions saying that their birds also don’t play and should they be worried about that? How do ...

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Parrot Does The Moonwalk

I know what you’re going to think… you’re going to think this is a video trick… so I’ve left it all as just one piece of raw footage.  No hype, no music, no fancy-shmancy edits… just one talented Galah.
Then again, that’s what you get when you stick a well trained bird in a soothing 30mph breeze…

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Parrot And Human Bonding

Camelot macaw

In the world of parrot ownership, we use the word “bonding” a lot. By definition, bonding means to “establish a relationship with someone based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences” but we parrot lovers know that it means much more than that.

The level of bonding we share with our parrots speaks to the amount of trust we have earned. It is the thing that allows our parrots to forgive us for the mistakes we make (as long as they aren’t too frequent or severe). Bonding is evident every time ...


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Valentine’s Day Crafts For Parrots

Bondi enjoying a Don’t Break My Heart Crisp from our Holiday Cookbook found at

Pets make the most loyal Valentines, don’t they? I sure think so. That’s why it’s important to take holidays to remember why you love your feathered Valentines soooo much. Here are some fun ways you can express your love to your parrot!

Crafts, to me by the way, mean both edible ones and non-edible ones! When I say rope in any posts, I’m referring to ropes like manilla which break instead of fray. OR just keep a ...

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Overcoming a Parrot’s Fear of Something New


The new bird stand that my flock got for Christmas


So I bought the world’s coolest parrot stand as a Christmas gift for my birds. I’d been looking for something like it for a long time. It’s a one-off find; there will never be another exactly like it again. It’s natural wood, well weathered with lots of nooks and crannies to hide things in. There are several places at different heights for birds to sit and it’s on wheels. There are plenty of bits ...


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What To Do When Someone Isn’t Doing Right By Their Bird


Alexandrine parakeet

We are all very dedicated bird owners here. We not only care deeply for our own birds, but we care about everyone else’s too. I know that I find it very difficult to watch birds being mistreated and I have walked out of some pet stores in tears. I have lied awake at night thinking about a bird that lives half way around the world that I know might not make it through the night.

I think one of the hardest things we deal with as bird owner is coping ...

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