The Clicker Game

The goal of the exercise I’m about to show you is to demonstrate how difficult it is for your parrot to understand what the hell you want him/her to do when training a new behavior.

At our live 2 day Total Transformation Parrot Training Seminar we decided to put two audience members up on stage and asked them to do something for Chet, but there was a twist.

We couldn’t flat out tell them what we wanted in a common verbal language.

Think about that for a second…

If you had to ask a HUMAN friend of yours to do a favor for ...

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Tips For an Indoor Cage Set-Up

Nemo & Merlin

Rosebreasted Cockatoos/Galahs

I received a message from a friend asking for help with her Galah/Rosebreasted Cockatoo’s cage setup. In short, she was struggling for inspiration and trying to deal with several problems. She wanted to know what I would do differently? She sent me a photo of the ‘bare bones’ of her cage setup. Which means that she sent me a picture of her cage without its normal arrangement of toys and foliage in order to make ...

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East Coast US Residents – Hurricane Advice

The questions about how to handle the inevitable power outages that East Coasters in the US will be enduring are starting to pour in. I thought I better put something together for you, so that you can get through Hurricane Sandy as safely and stress free as possible.

Riding out the storm

Keep your bird’s cages away from windows that might be shattered in high winds which might pick up debris and use it as a projectile.

Keep cages covered, at least partially, to offer your bird some security. Be ...

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How To Transport A Sick Or Injured Parrot To The Vet


How to safely transport your sick bird to the vet

Q: Since birds are so fragile, if my bird has an accident or gets sick, what is the best way to get her to the vet without making things worse? – Bethany F., Jacksonville, FL

A: This is a GREAT question!

Birds are fragile, but they are also remarkably resilient. They tend to heal quickly from injuries when they are promptly and properly treated. With illness it is a bit more complex because they have often been sick for a while without intervention.

It ...


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All Parrots Have Behavior Problems At Some Point In Their Lives

Blue and gold macaws

Everyone, at one point, will experience a behavior problem with their bird. Everyone. Even us. Problems come in all shapes and sizes – from annoyances like begging for food while you are having dinner, to violent attacks on family members. Every owner, at some point, has to admit there is something about their bird they would like to change.

In past posts, I have said that it takes a village to raise a parrot. There have been times when we here at Birdtricks have asked each other for ...


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