The Dark Morph Galah

The following question came up recently on our Facebook page.  I was unable to answer it and turned to Mel Vincent, a wildlife rescuer located in Western Australia. Not only does she keep this species herself, but she is fortunate enough to be able to observe many in her own backyard! We are grateful that she stepped in with her expertise to address the uncertainty on line. Thanks so much, Mel!

Q: Do you guys know what part of Australia the dark morph Galah is from? I found two site’s with info about them, one show’s the dark morph and ...

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Making The Cage Suitable For Your Special Needs Parrot

Just like people, parrots sometimes find themselves in a place in life where they have a hard time getting around. This might be the result of a deformity, an injury or the struggles of old age. And, just like people, parrots learn to adapt to their circumstances with a little help from those around them.

To most people it makes sense that a parrot hatched with a deformity would be better able to learn to get by. After all, it has never known any other way. ...

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Why Doing Things The Easy Way Is Sometimes Harder – And More Dangerous!

I feel it is important to admit to and talk about my mistakes. It is a learning experience for you readers, and a humbling reminder for me. Yes, even we who spend our days trying to coach you on the whys and whats of bird ownership blow it from time to time. In a classic idiot manoeuver, I indirectly caused an injury to one of the Womach budgies.

The smallest birds live in the house upstairs in what I call the spare birdroom. My cockatiels and quaker are still a bit ...

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How to Properly End a Training Session with Your Bird

As soon as I read this question about how to properly end a training session with your bird I thought it was a GREAT question.


The best thing you can do for yourself and your bird is video tape your training sessions. I don’t care if you are camera shy or training in your pajamas… no one has to see the videos, I’m not asking you to put it up on youtube for the world to bock at… just video tape them for yourself.


I can’t tell you how many ...

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Allowing The Parrots To Play With The Other Family Pets

There have been so many pictures posted on the the Facebook page recently depicting parrots playing with the family pets that I thought a post on the subject was a needed. I know this is is going to make me seem like a killjoy, but I feel it’s necessary to warn you of the dangers of allowing members of your feathered and furry family to interact.

When I was younger, I always had any number of different animals sharing my home. Most of them were not species that ...

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How to Build Your Parrot a Playstand

Home made playstand for pet parrots

We get the most innovative, creative people posting on our facebook page for If you aren’t over there already, please take a peak and join us!

One of those people is Vince and his fiance Jen. Vince was constantly posting photos of his supplies and progress while he attempted to make a playstand for his parrots. All the ones in the market nowadays are so expensive, and being able to “do it yourself” ...

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