One Year Later… Remembering Fiji


It’s hard to believe that it has been exactly one year since we lost Fiji (October 12, 2010) in a tragic accident that shattered the earth beneath my feet.  I’m sure that many of you can relate when I say – that was one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through.  With all tragedy comes some kind of peace and chance to learn.  This experience really altered my reality and gave me a new perspective as well as an increased gratitude to you, our friends and fans.

Over ...

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Toucan Toys vs. Parrot Toys

Photo by Jamieleigh
Location: Orlando, FL
Shown: Swainson Toucan “Fiji”


Having a pet toucan is wayyyyyy different than having a pet parrot. Parrots can grab onto things and shred them with their beaks. Toucans can’t do that. Sure, Rocko can step on his newspaper and pull it up with his beak at the same time, tearing it… but you won’t find him chewing on it and making it into newspaper confetti.


It’s important with toucans to keep small objects away that they can toss up and swallow ...

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Telling The Difference Between Our Camelot Macaws

Photo provided by Mirror Lake Exotics
Location: Florida
Shown: 3 camelot macaws related “Tusa”, Unknown, “Comet”

Someone asked me recently how to tell the difference visually between our two camelot macaw brothers; Comet and Tusa.


When camelot macaws are bred, they come out in 3 color variations (shown above), either yellow-dominant, red-dominant or a blue/green-dominant. Our boys are the yellow-dominant (Comet) and the blue/green-dominant (Tusa). They are only days apart, and Comet is surprisingly the elder.


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Playtime and the Importance of Social Skills with Parrots

Photo by Dave
Location: Musha Cay, Bahamas
Playing: Blue and gold macaws “Jersey” & “Chayko”


My nephew Jimmy is at that age where he is learning to rough house with the boys (his dad and uncle and friends) but then also learning how to shut off the playtime mode and calm down in time for dinner, or a movie, or something else.


There’s a time for playtime, and it plays a very important role in developing proper social skills. This goes for parrots and humans. Learning to ...

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Why Flighted Birds Eat Healthier Than Clipped Birds

Photo by Dave
Location: Moab, UT
Flying: Congo African Grey “Cressi”

Our latest freeflight student is a 13 year old Moluccan Cockatoo named Pooh. He comes from California where he will only eat colored pellets and lots of fruit but refuses veggies.

I was disappointed in his diet but we had a ton of other things to work on so we didn’t make a big deal of it right off the bat in his training. I knew it would come at some point or another anyway, and ...

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How To Guard Against Food Contamination

The FDA is currently investigating a multi-state outbreak of listeriosis brought on by infected whole cantaloupes dating back to mid-September. As of this writing, 100 people are currently ill, 18 deaths have been reported, and it has affected 20 states so far. These numbers may increase because there can be a two month lapse between eating the contaminated food and developing listeriosis.

With it’s thick, heavy rind protecting it, canteloupe might not strike most people as being susceptible to contamination. The same could be said about other melons and maybe ...

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