Linus’ Vacation

Q: What is loud, destructive, high maintenance and totally missed?

 – Patty J., Orlando, FL

A: Linus the umbrella cockatoo.

People have been asking how Linus is doing in New Mexico. It’s hard for me to write about it because I think the only way I get through this is by not thinking about it – or trying not to. I am grateful to so completely trust the person taking care of Linus that I never have to worry for his physical well being. That fact is ...

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Questions About Parrot’s Senses

These questions pertaining to a bird’s senses have come up in recent weeks. Since they are all related, in a way, I decided to tackle them all in a single post…

Q: My husband loves it when I wear perfume but I don’t know if the smell is too strong for my birds. Should I keep away from the birds when I wear it?
 – Jennifer K., Auburn Hills, MI

A: I would imagine that, as a rule, most animals would prefer to smell your natural scent. It gives up a ...

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Grit Does NOT Belong In A Parrot’s Diet

A question came up the other day on the Facebook page asking whether we are supposed to use grit in our parrot’s diet. I have talked about this in posts before, but this question is important enough that it justifies another mention. Everyone needs to understand this topic so that no parrot’s health is compromised.

What is grit?
There are two types of grit – soluble and insoluble. Soluble grit, such as cuttlebone and oyster shell, is sometimes recommended by a veterinarian as a dietary supplement. It is the ...

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One Bird Too Many

Referred to as MBS, Multiple Bird Syndrome is suffered by most bird people, particularly those in their first years of bird ownership. It’s symptoms include warm, fuzzy feelings when viewing other people’s birds – especially those species which we do not keep in our own flock.

MBS is a powerful affliction as symptoms can manifest even without the other birds being physically present –  cute photographs alone can cause flare ups. The main symptom is an uncontrollable urge to add just one more bird to the flock ...

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Using A Goal Board With Parrots

The Womachs are coming back today. I am very excited to see them and the flock again. I can’t believe it’s been two years since I moved from Austin to Orlando, and they left for their Ringling tour. Where has the time gone?

Before I left Austin, I wrote a list of things I wanted to accomplish in these two years. I’m guessing I got through perhaps half of the things on that list. I can look to see…I found it this morning in an empty box while ...

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