Raising Rocko Our Baby Toco Toucan: Teaching Your Bird to Self Entertain

Photo by Jamieleigh
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Lookin’ tall: Toco Toucan “Rocko”

Lately Dave and I have become more and more aware about what we do to raise birds and form and shape their eventually adult personalities and traits. It has been a lot of fun jotting it all down when it comes to Rocko and sharing every moment (or so I like to think and try!) with all of you to learn from and sometimes just share in.


But more recent we’ve become aware of how we have been raising Rocko ...

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Raising Rocko the Toco Toucan: Changes in His Appearance

Photo by Dave
Location: Reno, NV
Shown: 3 month old Toco Toucan “Rocko”

It has been really fascinating to see Rocko grow each and every day. Dave and I keep looking at pictures of adult toco toucans and feel amazed that he is someday going to look like that. How unreal!


Because we keep comparing how he looks now to what he is going to look like… we have been able to notice small changes in his appearance.

His eyes are a purple-ish color right ...

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Teaching My Parrot to Let Me Hold His/Her Feet

Photo by Dave
Location: Centralia, WA
Snuggling up: Blue throated macaw “Jinx”

I am really uncomfortable meeting other people’s birds when I see that the human companion doesn’t hold the bird’s feet when they have them on their hand. Usually the person will have the bird loose on its arm, towards the middle of the arm or something where the person has no control over the bird whatsoever.


Too many times has a bird been spooked or upset, and flown at someone. The owner at that point can’t really do much because ...

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How The Study Of Wild Parrots Improves Our Parrot’s Lives

Enormous strides have been made in the care and understanding of our companion parrots as researchers continue their studies of wild parrots. Through observing the different species, we now do less improvising and have come to understand why many behaviors exist and how we can adapt to make our birds happier in our homes.

In order to best utilize this research, you must understand that the birds we have in our living rooms are not domesticated. They are wild animals  – tamed, but still wild. The process of ...

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The #1 Misconception of Adopted Parrots

Photo by Dave
Location: Centralia, WA
On my back: Blue throated macaw “Jinx”


I’ve personally worked with a lot of adopted parrots, and they’ve always had extreme issues from an insane amount of aggression to extreme amounts of fear, to horrible diets, large amounts of weight loss to being obese, to hating women or men specifically or plucking themselves, among tons of other issues popular among captive parrots given up for adoption.


Because I had never worked with an adopted parrot that was just nice, with no issues, I assumed they literally did ...

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