Our Annual Vet Check Up: The Many Things Learned to do Differently



I’ve always been more interested in the training aspect of birds and only more recently have been diving into the world of health and nutrition. I like to learn about those topics along the way, but my real passion lies in the training of these amazing animals. I feel that the training is so fun, and so healthy for them, that I only tend to learn of nutrition and health when it comes up as a problem… ...

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Fun Toucan Toys: The Cat Toy Section

Photo by Jamieleigh
Location: Inside our RV
Thinking about playing: Toco Toucan “Rocko”

There’s not exactly a store out there designated for toucan toys so we are pretty much making it up as we go along. The animal toys I’ve found the most helpful have been the cat toy section!


They have all these fun, colorful and sometimes noisy balls to play with that Rocko has been literally – having a ball with them!


He loves to play catch so I’ve gotten a variety of cat balls for him and as long as they don’t ...

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How To Modify A Pet Carrier For Airline Travel

Before we begin, let me tell you a story…

Once upon a time, Linus, my very headstrong umbrella cockatoo, used to live with the Womachs. He was part of Dave’s show which occasionally required air travel – nothing new for a bird, except when it involves an airplane. On one occasion, Linus was lost by the airline for nearly two days, during which time he was exposed to something that made him ill. He never quite forgave Dave or Jamie for this and he became aggressive with them because, ...

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Plucking: Sometimes it’s the Symptom, Not the Problem

Photo by Dave
Location: Waynesboro, VA
Beginning stages of plucking shown: Galah “Bondi”


As our tour comes to an end there have been some major changes for us and our birds. To name a few off the top of my head:


  • We sent the aviaries to powder coating and Chet’s house so he could have them for his birds while we traveled through Washington state. So no more aviaries for our birds for the last month of tour.
  • The arrival of Rocko our baby toco toucan.
  • Lots ...

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Why You Must Quarantine The New Bird

“Quarantine” comes directly from the Latin word quadraginta meaning forty. It is an act that helps prevent the spread of contagious disease by keeping it separated and contained from the main populous. Quarantine is intended for those who either are, or are suspected of being infectious. The word quarantine was meant to indicate the period of time (40 days) during which it was believed that the symptoms of disease would either present themselves or run their course.

This is an important precaution in good animal husbandry, and it is ...

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The Best Way To Ask Questions On The BirdTricks Facebook Page

We love it when you guys ask questions here and on the Facebook page. It means that you are paying attention to the clues in your bird’s behavior and physical appearance. It means that you are aware of events in your bird’s environment.  It means you care enough to ask for guidance when something seems off.

Jamie and I were chatting earlier today after she had discovered many, many posts that had been filtered out as spam and were never seen on the Facebook page. She was ...

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