Why Flighted Birds Eat Healthier Than Clipped Birds

Photo by Dave
Location: Moab, UT
Flying: Congo African Grey “Cressi”

Our latest freeflight student is a 13 year old Moluccan Cockatoo named Pooh. He comes from California where he will only eat colored pellets and lots of fruit but refuses veggies.

I was disappointed in his diet but we had a ton of other things to work on so we didn’t make a big deal of it right off the bat in his training. I knew it would come at some point or another anyway, and ...

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How To Guard Against Food Contamination

The FDA is currently investigating a multi-state outbreak of listeriosis brought on by infected whole cantaloupes dating back to mid-September. As of this writing, 100 people are currently ill, 18 deaths have been reported, and it has affected 20 states so far. These numbers may increase because there can be a two month lapse between eating the contaminated food and developing listeriosis.

With it’s thick, heavy rind protecting it, canteloupe might not strike most people as being susceptible to contamination. The same could be said about other melons and maybe ...

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Raising Rocko Our Baby Toco Toucan: Teaching Your Bird to Self Entertain

Photo by Jamieleigh
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Lookin’ tall: Toco Toucan “Rocko”

Lately Dave and I have become more and more aware about what we do to raise birds and form and shape their eventually adult personalities and traits. It has been a lot of fun jotting it all down when it comes to Rocko and sharing every moment (or so I like to think and try!) with all of you to learn from and sometimes just share in.


But more recent we’ve become aware of how we have been raising Rocko ...

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Raising Rocko the Toco Toucan: Changes in His Appearance

Photo by Dave
Location: Reno, NV
Shown: 3 month old Toco Toucan “Rocko”

It has been really fascinating to see Rocko grow each and every day. Dave and I keep looking at pictures of adult toco toucans and feel amazed that he is someday going to look like that. How unreal!


Because we keep comparing how he looks now to what he is going to look like… we have been able to notice small changes in his appearance.

His eyes are a purple-ish color right ...

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Teaching My Parrot to Let Me Hold His/Her Feet

Photo by Dave
Location: Centralia, WA
Snuggling up: Blue throated macaw “Jinx”

I am really uncomfortable meeting other people’s birds when I see that the human companion doesn’t hold the bird’s feet when they have them on their hand. Usually the person will have the bird loose on its arm, towards the middle of the arm or something where the person has no control over the bird whatsoever.


Too many times has a bird been spooked or upset, and flown at someone. The owner at that point can’t really do much because ...

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Zazu’s House Parrot Sanctuary Documentary by BirdTricks.com

As a professional performer who happens to work with parrots, I meet thousands of people each week and I get invited to a lot of parrot rescues because of this.  Now I know that most of the rescues I’ve been to sure meant well, but the fact remains that only a few are making a difference like Christy is at Zazu’s House Parrot Sanctuary just north of Seattle.

I was in the middle of loading my illusions into the arena in Everett, when I received a picture message from one of our tour managers.  She had ...

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