Monthly Miracle Complete!

It’s been a heck of a long time since I’ve updated here on my blog, but hopefully you all enjoyed following my progress with Alexandrine Parakeet Rasta on the blog. If you missed it all, you can find it here. The posts are shown from most recent to least recent so go back all the way and start from the beginning if you want to see...
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The Importance of Bird Blogs

Photo by Dave Location: Kent, WA Helping me write blogs (or not): Toco Toucan "Rocko" I can't even tell you how important I feel bird blogs on the web are. Not so much from taking every single word someone writes as gold (my own included, hell, these are just my experiences, not the Bible!) but to merely SHARE information, experiences, knowle...
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Getting Your Parrot Into a Travel Cage

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Las Vegas, NV In Travel Cage: Blue Throated Macaw "Jinx"   Getting your parrot to go into a travel cage can be pretty rough sometimes... especially when you haven't done it except for to take your bird to the vet, which isn't the best experience of your bird's life...   My parrots are just fine going into their tra...
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