Parrots and Children

Blue throated macaw

I can’t help it.  I cringe every time I see a large parrot with a small child.  From a toddler to a teenager, children carry a significant amount of energy.  You can feel that a child is present no matter where they are. Parrots, as prey animals, are easily alarmed. It is their nature and red flags go up any time something is amiss. We are far more tolerant of our parrots natures than they are of our children’s, and I have seen things go wrong, regardless of ...

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Growing With Your Changing Parrot

Blue throated macaw

Think, for a moment, about all of the life-stages a human being goes through from birth to old age, and the way each stage effects and changes the person that you are:  from the complete dependence of infancy to the confident and very mobile 6 year old; from the hormonal teen years to early adulthood, the child bearing years; from adulthood to middle age; from middle to old age, where health might start to decline.  Then consider the long life span of our companion parrots.  Parrots go through ...

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Heavy Metal Toxicity in Parrots

Congo African Grey Parrot


Heavy metals are found throughout our homes and toxicity is a fairly common ailment in our companion birds.  It is life threatening.  A bird not diagnosed and treated will certainly die. Fortunately, the vast majority of birds can be saved with proper treatment.   Depending on the level of toxicity, the symptoms may take a period of time to present themselves as the level of poisoning slowly increases, or symptoms may appear suddenly, where the bird seems fine one day, and is in desperate need of ...

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Spices to Add to Your Bird’s Food for Flavor and Good Health

Camelot Macaw

I have spent the last several months looking into a holistic approach to my parrots’ diets.  They all have great eating habits except one: Linus, my umbrella cockatoo.  It makes me crazy and I worry and fret every day about whether he is getting the nutrition he needs.  He is healthy and I guess that says a lot.  Still, I am always looking for ways to make improvements in everybody’s diet, but especially so with Mr. Picky. I decided that prying his beak apart and stuffing squash ...

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Deciphering Your Parrot’s Calls

Congo African Grey Parrot


Have you ever just sat and listened to your bird’s calls and tried to figure out what they mean?  Just like babies have different cries meaning: I’m hungry/wet/tired/angry, your bird has a different meaning and a different sound to each of his vocalization.
We all know the shrill, panicked sound of the alarm call.  Often meaning that there’s a fly in the cage or Alex, the evil pool guy, is in the back yard again waving around that net thingy on the the long stick.  ...

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Can I Serve Dried Fruit Instead of Fresh?

My severe macaw won’t touch fresh fruit.  Can I give him dried fruit? -Lonia G.,   Boston, MA

Dried fruits have a lot of advantages.  It lasts a long time, it is an easy snack if you are traveling and because there are no bacteria harboring juices, it works great in foraging toys and stays fresh in the cage all day. There are, however, some things you should be aware of.

When fruits are dehydrated, the process shrinks them to a fraction of their original size.  The concentration of sugar becomes very high and because they ...

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