Does Your Bird Sound Just Like You?

Blue and Gold Macaws

I learned a long time ago never to look at Linus when I am on the phone.  Being a cockatoo, he believes the sun rises just for him.  He can’t understand why I would talk to an electronic gadget when I have perfectly good cockatoo standing by.  If I look at him, it’s an invitation to join in the conversation.
My daughter called the other day and was telling me about a jacket she had seen in a store window that cost $3500.  She was jokingly asking ...

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Healthy Birdie Bread Recipe from BirdTricks

Patty demonstrates how to make home made birdie bread for your parrot (of any size!) and how to progress in your birdie bread to encourage your bird to eventually consume raw veggies.

Here is the video’s recipe:
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup oats
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup granola
1 tablespoon of grated cuttle bone/mineral block

Mix dry ingredients in one bowl. In a separate bowl mix wet ingredients:

Beat together 2 eggs
1/2 non-dairy milk
1/4 cup applesauce

Add to dry mixture. Mix/combine.

Add 1 mashed banana.

Avoid adding wet veggies!

We added 1/2 ...

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4 Fun Games For The Birds (And You!)

Blue and Gold Macaw

The cutest things on the planet may very well be (and not necessarily in this order): a baby cracking up laughing, kittens doing just about anything, and birds playing.  Some of the very best memories I have of my birds are of them playing, especially when it involves me.  There’s something so precious about watching the determination of a 100 gram bird tug on something twice its size, and the lengths they will go to to accomplish an nearly impossible task.  I am always on the lookout ...

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It’s All About The Birds…

Umbrella Cockatoo

I had two days off in a row this week!!  I know that doesn’t sound like a big deal, but when you work in retail, believe me, it’s rare.  It feels like spring break.  I intended to tackle some projects that needed tackling.  I actually tackled two.  And they were, of course, bird projects.

New cage covers were desperately needed for Linus, my umbrella cockatoo, and the cockatiels, so I moved this to the top of the to-do list.  I went to the quilting section at the fabric store and ...

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Planning For Your Parrot’s Future

Congo African Grey Parrot

I really dislike the term “forever home”.  It is used very commonly among people who take in rescued or rehomed parrots.  “He has found his forever home”.  I like the idea behind the expression, which is indicative of a person’s level of commitment to a bird that might be unsuitable in many homes.  Practically speaking, all good intentions aside, it often doesn’t happen that way.

Have you ever given thought to what would become of your parrot if you were to die or in some way become incapacitated?  ...

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Talking To Your Parrot

Congo African Grey Parrot

Parrots are instinctively highly attuned to everything around them.  It is this awareness of their environment that keeps them safe from predators.  So it’s easy to understand why parrots are so quick to pick up on the energy levels of their owners and the home they live in. This is something we can use to our advantage and is just one more example of how having an understanding of a wild bird’s nature will help us with the birds we keep in our homes. Have you ...

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