What Feathers Tell You About Your Parrot’s Health

Alexandrine parakeet

Alexandrine parakeet

One of the hardest things for bird owners to come to terms with, especially new bird owners, is the fact that we can’t rely on our eyes to determine the health of our birds. Because sick parrots are targeted by predators in the wild, they hide the appearance of illness until they are no longer able to do so. Eventually, as their illness progresses, they become lethargic, their wing begin to droop and their perching becomes ...

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The 3rd Biggest Mistake We Make With Our Birds

A couple of years ago, I wrote an article entitled "The Biggest Mistake We Make with Our Parrots".  Following that post I wrote another article called "The Second Biggest Mistake We Make with Our Birds".

Both of these article explain ways we unintentionally sabotage our own efforts with our parrots. Our third biggest mistake is yet another stumbling block we place our own paths. Sometimes we make things much ...

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Teaching Your Bird To Play Independently

I remember seeing a heart-wrenching meme a few years ago that left a huge impact on me. It pictured a bird inside a cage: “You have your job, your family, your friends. I only have you.” I actually lay awake that night thinking about the truth of it. How many bird spend the majority of their days, unmotivated and inactive, waiting for their humans to come home from work?

It makes sense that these same ...Save

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How To Get Your Bird Past A Fear Of Objects: A Step By Step Guide

 Back some years ago after Linus first came to live with me it took me a while to get to know his likes and dislikes. I did a lot of experimenting with different toy types to determine what he liked to play with most. There were good choices and bad at first. Mostly, bad choices were toys that he was disinterested in, but there was one toy that he showed a genuine ...

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When The Power Goes Out…And You Have A Parrot!

There are a lot of reasons we might lose power; it isn’t just a seasonal event. Of course, we brace for it when there is a severe storm on the way but there are crashes due to excessive usage, equipment failures or damage caused by accidents. Every now and then squirrels or a flock of feral quaker parrots get the blame, probably unjustly.

I know many of you know I live in Florida, so ...

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Will I Have A Closer Bond With A BABY Bird?

Q: I read that you will have a closer bond with a bird if you get it as a baby. Will the bond be even closer if I hand feed it?

-Max W.,  Clarksville, TN

A: In the last 10-15 years, bird keepers have undergone a drastic and much needed transformation in the way they care for their birds. It is much more widely known that birds cannot survive on seed-only diets or ...Save

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