A Small Warning Sign That Precedes Big Behavioral Problems


When people contact us about problems with their birds, one common (and notable) element is that most people are very surprised to learn that their relationship with their bird isn’t what they thought it was. They explain their once friendly and interactive relationship and now, suddenly, their bird wants nothing to do with them. They are always reluctant to believe you when you assure them that none of this happened suddenly.

No matter what bird sites you ...


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For Parrots That Imitate The Sound of the Training Clicker

Happy BirdTricks Tuesday, everyone!

This week’s BTT video is the shortest one yet – aside from our BTT announcement video – so for those of you asking for shorter videos, this one is for you!

We aren’t going to lie – we were out having fun this week, celebrating our 11 year wedding anniversary! Yes, we both married young. I was 17 and Dave was 21. Thus, we missed our day to film with our birds this week but promise to make it up to you guys next week with our topic of Random Rewarding. So please ...

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Keeping Birds Happy When You Travel A Lot

Alexandrine parrot

Q: I travel frequently because of my job and lately I have been feeling guilty about leaving my bird so often. Do you think this will cause her to become unhappy?

-Monica, B., San Diego, CA

A:   The answer depends mostly on your situation, but also on your bird’s personality. You haven’t given me much information, so I will try to look at this from different angles.

If you live alone and have made arrangements to have someone come ...


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BTT: What Live Parrot Training Sessions Look Like

Hey Everyone,

Dave Womach here from BirdTricks.com.  You’ve all been requesting to see more live training sessions – and although we have a hard time giving you just that due to living on a freakin’ cruise ship and having a 2 year old, we’ve managed to bring you an updated sample of what we’re currently working on.

We hit a lot of roadblocks in our recent training sessions that we hear about from you all the time, and had a lot of break through moments because of that.  For example – Training multiple birds at once, transforming fear into a positive, what ...

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My Bird SCREAMS When Someone Comes To Visit!

Q: My bird is really well behaved most of the time but when someone comes over she screams and if I let her out she tries to bite them. How can I stop this?

-Bryce H., Birmingham, AL

A: Birds are naturally concerned with anything new that appears in their environment. It is a safety protocol for them to be very aware of and familiar with everything in their vicinity because things that are out of place might indicate danger. When something new appears, red ...


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How to Put a Trick on Cue [Parrot Training]

This week we were asked two really important questions:

1. Why shouldn’t you leave food in your bird’s cage all day long and if you don’t, what SHOULD you do?

2. How do you put a trick on cue? (Get your bird to do something when YOU ask rather than when the birds feels like it)

Since I am actually in the training process with our blue throated macaw Jinx of putting his talking on cue (when he says the word Bubba which is his first word he has been willing to say in front of people) this was the perfect opportunity for ...

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