Why Do We Feed Our Birds Pellets?

Cold pressed Feed Your Flock pellets

Cold pressed Feed Your Flock pellets

What is a parrot pellet?

Formulated diets for our pets have been around for years. After watching the booming cereal industry produce tons of fast, convenient breakfast foods for eager consumers, someone cleverly put the same machinery to use to produce dry dog and cat food.

In later years, as parrots became more commonplace in homes all over the world, this same theory was applied to a formulated diet for ...

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BTT: Consistent Inconsistency

This week we tried desperately to film the “Top 5 Parrot Species to Own: Beginner to Advanced” but our daughter was not having it. So we’ve included the out-takes from that. In you are interested in that topic, or wondering what type of bird to get, please check out the following blog posts:

2 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying a Pet Bird

The Best Starter Bird

To recap: It’s best to volunteer your time at a parrot rescue to truly understand what parrot companionship means. Usually birds are the ones to pick their owners and ...

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Is Fruit Good For Our Birds?

Q: Why do you guys say I shouldn’t give my bird fruit every day? I keep reading that we should feed fruit and vegetables.

-Blake, B., Barstow, CA

I understand your confusion. It is always fruit and vegetables this...fruit and vegetables that. Whenever discussion is about diet and nutrition, it is difficult to find the word “vegetable” when it isn’t paired with the word “fruit”. Even though these words seem inseparably linked together, nutritionally speaking, comparing fruits and veggies is like comparing apples and…okra.

It is really ...

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BirdTricks Tuesday: What is it we do? WATCH!

This is probably our favorite video we’ve done – mostly because we’re just sharing “us” which comes easy. We also used our nicer camera, since many of you have asked us to up the quality of our videos from our camera phones.

This video, because of its higher quality and more need for editing, took us all day long… so these will likely be few and far between based on the time consumption alone! But we had a lot of fun this week, and actually filmed all the talking pieces today for you guys and the ...

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How Much Should My Bird Weigh?


The domestication of animals is something that humans have done through breeding for millennia to manipulate animals with the intention of creating ones that are used for service or companionship, that are suited to be in human society and are aesthetically pleasing.

Domestication is what we have done with dogs, which started out as wolves. Humans bred dogs together which both possessed qualities they wanted to carry on – from personality traits to size to coloring and markings. It ...

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Happy BirdTricks Tuesday: This Week We Talk Screaming Parrots

You guys have been asking for this topic from the beginning, and so we thought we would give your OUR side of this topic. What we’ve done to avoid our birds from ever becoming screamers. Things you should be doing (or not doing!) on a daily basis with your bird.

For those of you experiencing an existing screaming problem, check out our Stop Screaming Course Flock Talk. Your ears (and neighbors) will thank you.

Next week we are bringing you a day-by-day look into what a week for us looks like out here for us. So ...

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