How Well Do You Know Your Bird?

I wonder how many hours in my life I have dedicated to staring at my birds? To a non-parrot owner, that might seem like time wasted, but we all know better.

It blows my mind whenever I read something about “new discoveries” regarding parrot intelligence in some science journal.  A bird’s foraging skill is hardly a new development. It is how they have fed themselves for millions of years.

But to a non-bird owner, or a scientist who is just ...Save

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Why Training Your Bird Can Save Your Relationship

This post is probably not going to make me popular. However, my popularity in the avian community has never been driving force in anything I have said or done here. I don’t use Birdtricks to gain personal affirmation in the form of shares and likes. My only interest in this community begins and ends with your birds.

I will be speaking my mind in this post and saying what I feel needs to be said. I want ...

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Do You Have A Bird Sitter?

When the subject of vacationing comes up, a large number of parrot owners reveal that they don’t travel because they are afraid to leave their birds. Either they don’t have anyone they trust to care for them, or they are afraid that their bird will have disowned them by the time they get home.

Today I am going to try to talk you out of that thinking...

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Indoor Flight Training Parrots Basics

This week Dave and I go over the very basics and beginnings of some indoor flight training basics and how to get started. Please remember we are trying to condense the information down for you, so this is not done in “real time” – in real time you would take much longer on each phase of improvement. Since our flock is already flight trained, we are able to show you in fast moving steps.

We took your guys’ advice and used a mic for this video – and because we were docking in Bermuda at the ...

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BirdTricks Tuesday Q&A

This week we are answering your questions you leave us here on our blog. Questions like:

1. Do you always use the same tricks or do you use random tricks. If your bird knows 20 tricks would you use the newer tricks?

2. My Greenwing seems to know when she is going to get her reward. One thing I have noticed is that I first taught her to hand shake I just started giving her treats when she would raise her foot. She has that down really good now. I just started clicker training her with a ...

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An Introduction to Random Rewarding in Parrot Training

This week Dave and I are talking about how we use Random Rewarding which is a term we’ve come to use to explain using the terms FR 1-5 and VRRV very basically.

We show how to use it, what it is and why to use it. We’ve found, especially when it comes to flight training (namely for outdoors) that Random Rewarding is essential to our success.

We hope it helps you and your training in some way! Please leave us feedback on what you think or any questions you may have regarding it so we can answer ...

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