Macaw with Psittacosis

Fid my Blue and Gold Macaw


My Blue and Gold Macaw named Fid joined my flock back in February this year. He went through the standard ‘new bird’ vet consultation and was diagnosed with psittacosis and an assortment of other much more minor problems.

When I last wrote about him, Fid’s was health was steadily improving and I’d finally solved the issue of his terrible sleeping habits and fear of the dark by giving him ...


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Can Parrots Talk on Cue? A Great Example!

More than likely at this point, you are well aware that parrots can talk, but many people don’t realize how easy it is to get your parrot to talk on cue (even if they only know a few words like our Cockatoo does).

Now, you don’t have to train them to be in a show, but imagine the fun you can have showing him off to your friends and family if your parrot can talk like this!

This footage was taken from our parrot training show, ParrotFX.  Bandit currently says just a handful of words in the show, ...

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Alexandrine Parakeet Update – Confidence Building and Bonding Games

Rasta the alexandrine parakeet


To learn how to build your bird’s confidence check out our Total Parrot Transformation Series. This blog isn’t necessarily intended to teach you these techniques for free, but to show you that they work by tracking and sharing (and showing) my progress using them.


I’ve been working on building Rasta’s confidence with flight. Since he has come to be with me, he is allowed out of his cage 24/7. I’ve propped his cage door open with a chair so it never closes (because before he would accidentally close it ...

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When Your Parrot Flies Away…

African grey, Cressi, in free flight

Last week, Chris, a member of the Birdtricks community, posted a horrifying message on facebook that his beloved african grey, Kendi, had flown off. We were heartbroken for him because we knew how much love, time and effort he had put into turning Kendi into the trusting bird he had become. There were many issues to be worked through in the beginning of their union, but diligence and dedication had finally paid off and the two shared a wonderful, while hard won, relationship.

Kendi escaped from ...

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How to Set Up a Bird Cage Properly For Elderly Birds

"Cocky Boy" my 60+ year old Rosebreasted Cockatoo


I live with a Rosebreasted Cockatoo (Galah) who is at least 60 years old. Impressive considering that in the wild their expected lifespan is 30 years. I can’t tell you his exact age because anyone who knew him 60 years ago is now dead and that’s as far back has I have been able to trace him. What knowledge I have of his history, comes from the descendants of his ...


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Alexandrine Parakeet Rasta Now Flying on Cue!

Rasta the Alexandrine parakeet flying on cue

I forgot that I’ve been working on flying and diet all at the same time and recently Rasta has finally got his flying down and on cue. I can now not only cue him to fly TO his cage (which he likes to do because he likes being at his cage anyway) but I can now also get him to fly away from his cage on cue. It is really fun, and I’ve even used some random rewarding to get him to fly ...

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