How to Construct Your Own Large Toucan Aviary

Toucan Aviary (divided into three sections) for 3 toco toucans


These aviaries were specifically designed for 3 adult toco toucans. Toucans and parrots vary from their extremely different variations of diet to what they can play with and/or destroy. What works for toucans may not be safe and may not work for parrots.


Chrissann from Adventures in Toucanland was kind enough to share how she and her boyfriend David created their aviaries for their three toco toucans on a little island in the Caribbean.


Side view ...

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One Person Bird Syndrome – Why Socializing Your Bird With Other People is Important

Keeping Mellow the Barn Owl all to myself for just a moment :)

At the Tropical Butterfly House, I work with the birds as part of a team of three: Ben has been working with me for a year and Amanda for around three months. Putting on shows for visitors that flow easily, look professional, and most importantly wow the crowds, needs a team of committed bird trainers who work together.

As many of you will know, ...

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Negative Reinforcement Is Not Evil

rosebreasted cockatoos

Positive reinforcement: the addition of something in a bird’s environment that increases the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated.

Negative reinforcement: the deletion of something in the environment that increases the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated.

That’s all – there are no implications of good or bad, right or wrong. One does not mean reward and the other punishment.


Your bird performs a trick or task. Upon completion, you immediately click, and then deliver a favorite treat. Positive reinforcement. You have added food to the bird’s environment. Your ...

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Mel’s Top Bird Cleaning Tips For Even The Messiest of Species

Rainbow Lorikeet


Lately a few people have been sending me messages asking for cleaning tips in relation to birds. Some of the questions have had a definite tinge of desperation to them and I can’t help but imagine these evil birds that are intentionally throwing food and poo at their humans. I can just see their beaky grins of delight when they manage to hit their target.


I can’t help but smile at the irony of my being asked for ...


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Alexandrine Parakeet Spins on Cue


It was quite the road to get here, but above shows Rasta spinning in a circle on cue! Hip hip, HOORAY!


Here are some videos showing the training in between to get to that final end goal with Rasta:



I have to say, my favorite part about this training was when I calmed down, decided to be patient and slower with my sessions and waited for Rasta to catch on. As I got to see him catch on, it was soooo cute… it was like a ...

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Vitamin Supplementation For Parrots

Goffins cockatoo

People are not so very different from automobiles. As long as you keep the car’s fluids and oil at proper levels, use a good grade of gasoline, and bring it in routinely for maintainance, it will probably serve you well for a long time.

In order for the human body to operate efficiently we need to maintain proper levels of vitamins and minerals by eating a healthy diet and see our doctors often so they can diagnose any potential illness. A routine blood check will tell if we are vitamin ...

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