Putting Happy on Cue With YOUR Parrot – How to Do It


I’ve read some of the comments that came in from my breakthrough with Alexandrine Parakeet Rasta by putting happy on cue with him. The comments seemed to be summed up to one problem: people seemed confused about what made THEIR parrot happy.


So I thought I’d make a list of things that define an universally happy bird…


  1. Shakin’ a tail feather. When parrots shake their tail feathers it’s a sign of contentment. 
  2. Scratching their heads. Parrots do this and are focused on only the task at scratching, it’s not emotionally negative. 
  3. Perching on one foot. When birds shift ...

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How to Introduce New Foods To Picky Parrots

Alexandrine Parakeet eating kiwi (actually, devouring)

I’ve been experimenting with adding variety to Rasta’s diet and it has been a lot of fun – I have to say mainly because it’s been more wins than losses. Some foods he liked without the skin, some with, some had to be served from my hand, others from his bowl while others needed to be on the end of a utensil like a fork. Some foods needed to be served with other foods and mixed in, ...

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Earning Back Trust – Alexandrine Parakeet Rasta Learns Tricks

Photo by Dave Womach
Location: Athol, ID
Shown: Alexandrine parakeet “Rasta” going into his cage to his perch via touch training 



Since cage training Rasta (teaching him to go back into his cage willingly via touch training which took about 6 training sessions total) I’ve been thinking… what’s next? I know Liam would love for Rasta to learn some tricks so that has been my new focus with him.


Usually, I would start with teaching ...

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Introducing Cats Into a House With Pet Birds

Oscar - my mum's new addition to the family.


I pretty much live in a zoo. Multiple birds, dogs and cats permanently own me, there are also a few goldfish and the odd passing rescue waiting for re-home. Most of the time, we all get along beautifully but it has taken work to get to that point.


My mother recently added to the zoo, by adopting a shelter cat. It wasn’t an easy decision whether or not to take on ...


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Build Your Own Bird Aviary – Here’s How!

Custom aviary for pet parrots built in Florida


While filming our One Day Miracles DVD series, we got to meet some fantastic bird people. One couple was Gandolph’s owners, the Holzman’s, who were looking to get their African grey parrot to fly to them on cue as they were building an outdoor aviary and wanted him to come in at night.


After fixing their problem in one day, I asked Michelle to keep me updated with the progress of their aviary so that I could hopefully share what they had done here on ...

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