RIP Bandit Boy

I know many of you are wondering what happened to Bandit, my male galah who was 11 years old, whom died while we were just a few days into a road trip that would lead to a Freeflight trip at a location he’d never been flying at, that I was so excited to take him. Day 1: I picked him up from my outdoor aviaries at my parents house in the afterno...
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Stop BABYING Your Bird! Let it FAIL! Don't Help, ENCOURAGE!

I've talked about this before, because it comes into play every single time we flight train a bird for outdoors. But the last time I really talked about it was years ago regarding an older Moluccan cockatoo, read the article here. I've never ever met a parrot owner that we haven't had to drill this lesson into. It's normal. It's hard for us, as...
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Bondi Lands in a Tree For the First Time

Photo by Dave Location: Waynesboro, VA Shown: Rose Breasted Cockatoo "Bondi" While flying our little guys (two rose breasted cockatoos and an African grey) Bondi decided to land in a tree for the very first time in her entire freeflight life which surprised Dave and I. We were flying and Bandit landed on him, Cressi on me and we both looked a...
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About Our Freeflight Parrot Training Course

Photo by Dave Location: Nampa, ID Flying in: Camelot Macaw "Comet" I get asked a lot about our freeflight course, and for a price breakdown as well as scheduling you can email Once you're serious about taking the course and signing up, they will pass you onto me. Right now the course is personally coached by Dave Womach,...
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How to Tell My Male Galah Parrots Apart

Can you tell which of my galah's this is? Bandit or Ace? Look close, and read the titles after you've made your guess. Study the picture as long as you need to make your evaluation. You'll get better by the end of the post.  Photo by Dave Womach Location: Florence, SC Which galah: Read on to find out (don't want to make cheating easy!) This ...
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